Vanina Walsh Profile
Athletes come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing they hold in common is a focus and dedication to training and health. To perform you need to train hard and eat well. We touched based with Tambor team rider Vanina Walsh, stand-up paddle star and all around go-getter, and got to know her eating and training practices. Here are some highlights from the interview:

What is your favorite drink to stay hydrated and fueled?
I only drink water.

What is your favorite breakfast food?
My favorite breakfast is Tambor Açaí blended with almond milk topped with granola bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and all natural honey.

How do you prepare for a contest? What do you eat before?
Before a contest I usually don’t eat much, I just make sure I stay hydrated by drinking tons of water.

How do you like to train on a regular basis? Do you have a routine?
My favorite training routine is not being in a routine! I just love to be active and switch things up each day.

What kind of activities do you do when you’re not stand-up paddling?
I love to hike and run and be outdoors when I’m not standup paddling.

Do you have any words of advice for people who want to get in shape?
Nutrition is key. It is important to eat healthy and stay active. Tambor Açaí gives me energy to do what I love all day long. And I believe it’s important to find an exercise or sport that you like and can stick to.

You can follow Vanina on her Facebook or her website Keep an eye out for the upcoming debut of her own brand called the Vanina Collection in fall 2014.