Amazing Acai Bowl Images: Tips for Capturing The Moment

Cherish the perfect food moment or make your friends hungry by posting delicious acai bowl images to your social media pages.  To help your photography skills I’ve put together the best suggestions from acai bowl experts Daniel and Talita Wright, Founders of Tambor Acai and purveyors of the highest quality organic acai pulp available. They have been creating and photographing  some of the best acai bowls in the world.  Here are some tricks they picked up along the way.   

1.  It starts with a beautiful acai bowl.  Well arranged toppings make a difference.  If making your own acai bowl you’ll want to arrange the sliced fruit just so, sprinkle with coconut or granola, and drizzle the honey as if you’re making art.

A beautiful acai bowl image captured by the founder of Tambor acai
photo by @talisadora


A beautiful acai bowl image from an artist on instagram
photo by @iamjennlu


fresh fruits sliced beautifully on top of an acai bowl makes a great acai bowl image
photo by @be_inspired_be_healthy


2.  Consider the background.   Is the bowl on a wooden or white plastic table?  Perhaps place the bowl on a surface that either highlights the bowl’s colors or is itself interesting to look at.  Also,  objects in the background like a halved banana or a polished spoon can add interesting dimension and perspective to the acai bowl image.  Use them to your advantage.


acai bowl tambor acai
photo by @thedailyacaibowl


Tambor Acai with kale, banana, honey and granola in a beautifully framed acai bowl image
photo by @tamboracai


3. Think outside the box.  Good pictures capture moments, often never before seen.  In other words, try telling a story with your picture.


make acai bowl images tell a clear story: yummmm
photo by @talisadora


Guarding delicious. Have your acai bowl images tell a story to be most interesting.
photo by @banzai_bowls
Tambor Acai smoothie pack on the beach makes a beautiful acai bowl image (pre-bowl status)
photo by @tamboracai


Finally, kill the flash.  This goes for most food photography in general.  Flash tends to overexpose the subject, creating an unappetizing photo.  Instead, use natural light whenever possible.  If you need more light, turn on a friend’s phone flashlight and hold it a few feet from the food.  Shoot your photo without flash,  using their light as your source.  This gentle lighting should illuminate the food in an appetizing way.

When a well made bowl meets a person with a camera, beautiful acai bowl images are created.  We welcome you to share your art and vision with us on instagram at @tamboracai.   Happy shooting- and happy eating.